Inter-State Custody Settled on Appeal

After helping a client overturn a child custody court ruling that stated a child’s home state should be Ohio, the other party elected to appeal. Erb Legal maintained that the Court of Appeals was correct and argued that custody should remain in Louisiana. Following our arguments, the Supreme Court declined to review the decision, and the child was ultimately returned to Louisiana.

Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors

More on Child Custody

Children Dismissed from DVPO

Domestic violence can cause chaos for not only spouses, but children as well. A client had Domestic Violence Civil Protection Orders brought that included their children. Erb Legal took the case to trial and the children were dismissed.

Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors

More on Family Law

Visitation Rights Expanded from Four Hours to Full Schedule

Visitation rights can leave many parents with restricted access to their children. Often times, this is not in anyone’s best interest. When a client had only four hours of visitation with their children, Erb legal fought for a more reasonable schedule. Our family lawyers succeeded in gaining rights for their client to have visitation expanded to a full schedule.

Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors

More on Child Custody

Charges Dismissed for a Falsely Accused Spouse

In domestic violence cases, it can be hard to decide who’s telling the truth. Unfortunately, spouses often make false claims about their partner that could place them in deep with the justice system if a lawyer is not there to defend them. When a client was faced with a false Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order from their spouse, Erb legal took their case to trial where it resulted in dismissal.

Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors

More on False Allegations

Multiple Crimes Dismissed in Juvenile and Municipal Court

Convictions in the Juvenile and Municipal Court system can lead to a stained record that limits future opportunities. However, recruiting the help of the criminal defense attorneys at Erb Legal could help you achieve a likely outcome. That was the case of a client who was charged with multiple crimes in both juvenile and municipal courts. When Erb legal took over the matter, all charges in both courts were dismissed.

Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors

More on Criminal Defense

Residence Remains the Same for Columbus Children

In cases where divorced couples have children, family decisions will be made with the child’s best interest in mind. That includes their place of residence. When a client was facing a motion to modify to move their children’s place of residence from Columbus to Avon, our family lawyers stepped in. Erb Legal fought the case and won at trial without calling a single witness.

Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors

More on Family Law

Spousal Support Dropped to $0

Divorce can take a toll financially in many ways, and spousal support is one of them. Prior to retaining Erb Legal LLC, a client was facing lifetime spousal support at an unreasonably high amount. Their monthly payments were over $1,400. Due to our skilled divorce attorneys, the client ended up paying $0 in support and the court didn’t retain jurisdiction to modify.

Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors

More on Divorce

Felony Charges Dismissed

Felony convictions in Ohio can be severe, and it takes a skilled criminal defense attorney to present the evidence needed to reduce or even dismiss charges. When a client was facing 6-12 months in prison for a felony offense, the criminal defense lawyers at Erb Legal provided a robust defense that resulted in the State of Ohio dismissing the client’s felony charges.

Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors

More on Felony Charges

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